Questions & Answers

Programming EVO-ALL

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I'm trying to program my EVO-ALL for my 2013 Dodge Ram with the tip start key. After pressing the programming 4x and the light turns to solid yellow it says "insert key" and the light should turn to red.  I insert the key and nothing happens.  I've flashed the module to 74.09 and still nothing.  Any ideas?
posté Nov 1, 2013 dans la catégorie Dodge par Ken Making (310 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Hi Ken,


First, Master Reset the module with the procedure:

1- Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector.
2- Let go of button when LED is RED.
3- Push and hold button again until all three LEDs start to alternate.
4- Disconnect unit, she is now reset.


Second, lets try programming only the CAN-Bus. This is very simple and will confirm proper connections to Can-Bus and Ignition:

1- Hold down programming button while plugging in datalink connector.
2- Let go of button when LED is BLUE.
3- Turn ignition On.
4- wait, BLUE LED will start to flash.


If it only stays on solid, the Yellow wire of the EVO does not detect ignition. If the LED turns off and stays OFF while ignition is On, then the Can-Bus may simply be reversed or their is an accidental connection error.

If the the unit programmed correctly, we can start lookin elsewhere as it confirms CAN and ignition connections are correct.


When inserting the key, do not turn it on, the EVO is looking for nothing more then key data at this step. Knowing this, you will want to look over the Light Blue/Black wire connection.


Still no luck? Flash the unit back to 74.01.





répondu Nov 1, 2013 par Robert T (299,950 points)
can bus program stays blue