Questions & Answers

2014 Ford Explorer wont lock with key fob

0 votes
just hooked up the EVo-All with T harness, everything works great.. programed it. however when i try to lock the car with key fob ( like after im done driving) it wont lock. it keeps automaticly unlocking? any suggestions?


update, if i hit the lock button on key fob and wait about 15-20 secs. doors lock.. why is that? does it have to be flash diffently?
posté Dec 30, 2014 dans la catégorie Ford par Joseph Madura (190 points)
modifié Dec 30, 2014 par Joseph Madura

1 Réponse

0 votes
service number please.

Besides for the EVO-ALL and the Tharness, is their anything else installed?
répondu Dec 30, 2014 par Robert T (303,700 points)
No nothing else. I do have the flashlink and I did update the Evo-all to the latest recommended version. Not sure if it's normal operations or not
remove anything you have connected to lock and unlock. You don't need those connections for a 3x lock start. I'd start there. Basically, remove anything connected to A2, A3, A4, A5.