Questions & Answers

Evo One bypass settings for DEI DSM250?

+1 vote
Hi -

An Evo One is installed on a 2014 Tundra, and being used for remote start (3x lock), works great, awesome product!  A DEI DSM250 is being installed as an extenstion onto the Evo One, and we would like to confirm the proper settings via the flash loader.

This is what we believe needs to be set on the Evo One...

Flash Loader - Bi-Pass Settings (?):

#20 - GPS / I/O  (the DSM250 is GPS enabled where as the DSM200 is only "RemoteStart")

#21 - D2D

#23 Supported RF Kits Available - select #4 (DEI Smart Start)


Flash Loader - Remote Start Settings (?):

It doesn't appear I need to change any of the functions 1-39?


Thanks in advance
posté Dec 5, 2014 dans la catégorie Toyota par Russell Fick (580 points)

1 Réponse

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Hi Russell,

You may want to visit this page :


There is a step-by-step pdf of how to setup the EVO-ONE with the SmartStart. From the options you gave, I think you may have been lookin in the wrong place.

Feel free too call, we are available until 8pm EST tonight : 1-877-336-7797
répondu Dec 5, 2014 par Robert T (304,010 points)
élue Dec 8, 2014 par Russell Fick
Thanks Robert.  My present issue is sourcing a harness that fits the Evo-One (4-pin) Data-Link Antenna.  The DEI DSM250 comes with harness but it only fits the (4-pin) Antenna, which per the instruction is incorrect.

Does Fortin sell this "Fortin DataLink" cable as shown in the instructions?


Thanks again.

With the EVO-ONE, the cable plugs into the 4 pin blue antenna connector (middle connector on the back end of the EVO). I don't know of any installs so far that we even use the datalink port of the EVO-ONE (4-pin black connector).

EVO-ONE guide for SmartStart,

From the instructions in the setup guide. You can either modify (modification actually not necessary) a current datalink cable youself or use the cable that should be supplied with the SmartStart. You should be plugging into the middle blue 4-pin connector on the back of the EVO-ONE.

The Fortin Datalink is the cable that actually comes with all the EVO-ALLs. You don't need it if the SmartStart already has the cable. Which from what I understand, you have one.

Hi Robert -

Yeah, so the Evo-One has two blue antenna inputs, both 4-pin and both "blue".  The middle one per your documentation (Evo-One Quick Installation Guide) is defined as the "(4-pin) Data-Link Antenna", the data-link you are referring to us of course what is used for flash-loading, referred to as the "(4-pin) RS-232 Data-Link & Flash-Link Updater Port".

The issue i'm seeing here is that the DEI DSM250 harness comes with female connectors that only fit the "(4-pin) Antenna" [H on the install diagram], not the "(4-pin) Data-Link Antenna" [B on install diagram; center blue input on the Evo-One].  So while I have the supplied SmartStart cable it doesn't interface with the correct antenna port on the Evo-One.  The "supplied" cable in your diagram doesn't exist, the one that comes with the DEI is a 3-way harness like this ->[]

So, I'm fine with constructing my own harness, but need something that will interface with the blue [B] port, that will plug into that, and was looking for guidance on sourcing that.

Great explanation. Do not use the H antenna port. I will ask to make it a little clearer and also make the explanation clearer.

In the meanwhile, the cable that comes with an EVO-ALL has all the proper connectors. That's actually the cable shown in the pictures and tagged as "DIY Cable". Only difference is, is that the end that you would normally plug into the EVO-ALL, you can cut that out; that's what we actually do and refer as "modifying the harness".

The harness labeled as "Supplied Cable" is actually one made by Fortin (i learn something new everyday). I will have more info on this cable once more info is given to me.

Hey Robert - 

Well, I suppose that's my problem, my EVO-ONE didn't come with a connector that fits into "B", and the SmartStart only works with "H", thus I'm trying to figure out how or where to get one.

Can I purchase another or this "supplied cable" from you or that what you mean by you'll have more information when it's supplied to you? Meaning it's "new" or hasn't hit the market yet?

In the mean time I've ordered up a few samples of cables with harnesses that I believe will fit, if I find out that works out I'll share.




Both EVO-ONE and SmartStart will not come with the "Supplied Cable". This needs to be changed in the setup guide. The only time I can see this being actually supplied is when our distributors either asked us to send them EVO-ONE units with that cable in the box (to be later sold as an EVO-ONE for SmartStart use only) or if they themselves package the EVO-ONE with that cable (also to be sold as a EVO-ONE for SmartStart use only).

The supplied cable will be new, not sure where it's at production wise at the moment. The cable does have to be kind of long to allow the smartstart to be placed in a good spot.

The samples you ordered are most likely the same harness's that come with the EVO-ALL, Which is 100% certainly good to go. I personally do not see it being long enough in some cases.

This is making me realise I need to stick my head under a dash and start doing more installs again :D
Thanks Robert - If you receive updates on the cable let me know, i'd love to source one, as I'm sure others would as well.  Or, if you simply had the plug end that fits, I could use that and still splice it with the SmartStart.  Is that possible?

Till then I'll keep going on the path I'm already on, and hopefully update everyone in a few weeks as to how that worked out.
Ok.  So i was able to successfully source a cable that fits the Evo-One perfectly.  I can update everyone on that later.

1.) I of course had to splice that cable together with the SmartStart, and just confirming if looking at the Evo-One, in the same position as the installtion guide, the colors of the SmartStart wires into the Evo-One goes Blue, Black, Green, Red (left to right), which was the order the SmartStart had them in. In the pdf I can catch a glimpse of red on the right most, but can't see the others.

2.) Attempting to program based on step 10 in the pdf you'd shared before, holding the valet button never produces a flashing red on the Evo-One, it simply remains yellow.  It would seem my Evo-One isn't recognizing the valet. Thoughts on this?

I'm running 79.15 & 1.11

The top 3 LEDs are the bypass LEDs, don't look for the that red to flash when doing remote starter programming, it simply won't. There is another LED where the yellow wire loop pops out and can be seen from the back side.

The module also needs to be disarmed in order to be able to access the remote starter programming options. Easy way to make sure it's disarmed is to enable valet mode then disable it.

To enable valet mode :

  1. Key on
  2. press valet 3x
  3. key off
  4. repeat to turn off valet
I'll give that a shot, though even looking at the Evo-One on my desk here, I don't see what appears to be a LED near the wireloops and reset button.  I'll look harder...

I was also curious if you could confirm the matching wiring configuration from the SmartStart to the Evo-One (see question #1)?
So, I just tried the steps, and I will admit I don't see another led near the auto/manual wire loop. With respect to the valet, I follow the steps above and the first time I do that I get some "clicking" and a flash of the top LED's on the Evo One.  Further, remote start with the Key Fob no longer works post that.  I try the steps again from there and don't see any indication that it took.

I've thus tried it both ways.  I've tried to program SmartStart post the indication (following the steps in the following - AND i've tried it programing it post doing the key on, press valet 3x, key off, two times.

BTW - I confirmed my settings and i have the xl202 on the remote starter side set (btw this setting also exists on the byPass side, but it's not set, should it be?).  I've also successfully been able to get the key fob 3x working on 79.20 and 1.15 software versions.

Oh, and smart start app on the phone see's the device and GPS even works, submitting commands say they succeeded, but of course there is no communication between the smartstart and the evo one.

You wont physically see the LED on the back but you should still be able to see some flashing.

In the final step of setup, where it says, hit lock on the remote, with the Smart Start you should be going to the web app to actually hit lock in the web app.

Might want to call use directly if this is still giving you problems. Might jsut be something easy to fix.
Yeah, still no luck.  

I tried calling, but the line is always busy. Do I need an appointment?
Is this cable available yet?  I'm getting ready to install an EVO-ONE with the THARONE-TOY2 harness and a DEI SmartStart DSM200 in my 2014 Tacoma.  I would like it to work the first time.    The document referenced does not appear to be updated.  Thanks.
A regular datalink cable will work just fine (example, the datalink cable that comes with an EVO-ALL), although you might have to change pin layout and/or extend the cables. There is no cable specific to the EVO-ONE and SmartStart currently available from neither Fortin and DEI.
I don't have an EVO-ALL, I have an EVO-ONE.  How do I obtain the datalink cable for the EVO-ALL to modify for my EVO-ONE?

Whomever sold you the EVO-ONE most likely has a some cables laying around.


Or, you can try a local electronics store, maybe even a 12V retailer. As long as both ends fit in the EVO-ONE and Smartstart, you would be good to go. Although you may have to re-arrange the pin out to look like something similar to the picture in the guide.


EVO-ONE DEI SmartStart

I found a set of EVO-ALL cables for $20 on ebay.  So much for this being a plug and play installation, at least with parts supplied.  The documentation shouldn't refer to included cables when they aren't included. This is misleading, especially when you study the documentation before purchase and believe you have everything you need to make it work, but you don't!

Thanks for answering my questions.  Can you please do what you can to get the documentation corrected? :)
I ended up sourcing one off eBay like the following -

You will splice this into the DEI supplied plug, and yes you do have to change the order of the wires.

Thanks for that link Russell !


Thanks for answering my questions.  Can you please do what you can to get the documentation corrected? :)

Yes 100%!

With the plug going into the Evo, looking with the yellow cut loop on your right, the color order from left to right was white, blue, black, red.  I believe the colors from the DEI are slightly different, but close.  

[DEI] -> Evo(bought plug)



black->black and


This is all based on memory from mid-December.  I worked with Robert T (here) to get it all squared away, so he can also chime in.

[DEI] -> Evo(bought plug)

This sounds right.


And Scott B., just call tech support when you have the parts. We're open monday-friday 8am-8pm, and saturday 9am-pm. 1-877-336-7797


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