Questions & Answers

Can remote start be installed on a 2008 JKUX with auto trans but no power doorlocks?

+1 vote
Jeep Wrangler has auto trans but no power locks or windows
posté Avr 16, 2014 dans la catégorie Jeep par Bill

1 Réponse

0 votes
Hi Bill,


Installing a remote starter is possible. Since you have no OEM door locks, therefore no OEM remotes, you can still install an EVO-ALL as a Stand Alone unit, but you will need another part to be able to control the EVO-ALL. This can be either a remote starter, alarm, or an RF-Kit. Personally i recommend looking into RF-Kits. Crimestopper has an RF-Kit called the REVO that includes an EVO-ALL, antenna, and remotes.
répondu Avr 17, 2014 par Robert T (299,950 points)