Questions & Answers

I have a flasklink 4 updater that worked twice and now gives me the usb device not recognized/descriptor failed.

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my flashlink 4 worked twice and now is inoperable usb device not recognized/ descriptor failed. I see its been a problem with others as well I hope  is a resolution before I have to return it. thanks for the help
posté depuis 1 jour dans la catégorie Ford par Bwilley67 (130 points)

1 Réponse

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What is the serial number on the back of the flash link?

If you click on the Help button in the top left menu bar, is the "Cancel FlashLink Updater Update" option greyed out or is it clickable? If it is clickable, click it and then disconnect/reconnect the Flash Link.

I noticed you flashed an evo-ride, keep in mind this product does not offer Dcryptor capabilities.
répondu depuis 1 jour par Robert T (304,910 points)
hello, thanks for the response .service  number is   002506  001173   the cancel flashlink updater bar is greyed out. yeah  I was advised to flash my evo ride down  to get it to function in my 2010 f 150. apparently it cant help with that problem either. thanks for the help