Questions & Answers

2005 Highlander No Transponder

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I am installing an Evo One on my 2005 Highlander. I follwed Guide # 81261. I dont have a transponder though so I didnt hook up those wires. I know because I can start the car with a bare key. I did hook up key sense. I can't seem to get the Evo One working. I can't do the key bypass programing as there is no need. I looked at other questions and tried the Hold programming button, release on blue LED, insert key and turn to on but when I do, the Blue LED turns off instead of flashing. As soon as I turn the key to off, the blue LED comes back on. What options do I need for bypass and remote starter to get this to work. I can't get it to program the remotes. No LED light on the antenna. Please advise.
posté Aout 23, 2024 dans la catégorie Toyota par Pheng Yang3 (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

If there is no transponder then there will be no key bypass programming.

Simply enable option 20.2, plug the unit into the vehicle and program the rf kit.

Best regards.
répondu Aout 23, 2024 par derek g (357,930 points)
Yeah, i tried that. I cant program the rf kit. If i just plug it in, its like the evo one doesnt work. No lights on antenna led. No lights on the evo one when keys is off and on. Ignition on, brake 4 times does nothing. Do i have a defective device?
No I dont think your device is defective.


Did you test both the ignition and brake wire?


When you do ignition on off on, does the red led under the yellow loop begin to flash?
I tested brake and ignition wires and they are good. If i go ignition on off on, the red light under the yellow loop turns solid red for about 10 secs then shuts off. What am I missing here?

Im confused on how to proceed. I have no transponder. Uses a bare metal key to start. I hook up all the wires according to the guide except the tx and rx wires. Program the evo-one and select the appropriate options. No need to do bypass procedure. I can just plug everything in and it should work or am i missing a step? Its not the unit, i have a second evo one and that one behaves the same.
I have installed and  used either evo-one or evo-all in my last 6 toyotas. Newer models and never had a problem. Dont know why the older ones are so finicky.
Yes, the thing you are missing is programming the remotes.

Are you able to enter and exit valet mode via the push button valet swtich?
Valet switch does nothing either.