Questions & Answers

My FTX64-2W battery dies after 2 days.

0 votes
Hello my ftx64-2w batteries dies on both remotes after about 2 days roughly after 2 remote starts and unlock, then nothing.This has been a while and have been through lots of batteries thinking they were faulty but that's not the case. Also on checking the batteries every time, one is always higher than the other and not evenly discharging. I have the EVO FORT1 installed and it's been working but the remotes are draining very quickly. Also I cannot get to remote start from the car remote with the three lock presses. It used to do it but haven't since I had the other remotes. But now I need it it's not responding.

Some help please, thanks
posté Mai 6, 2024 dans la catégorie Ford par Norris Joseph (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Please provide the purchase date and clear images of the back of the actual remote control so we can see the laser etched information on the casing, please send all information to
répondu Mai 6, 2024 par R M (820 points)