Questions & Answers

D1 options grayed out after running decrypter

0 votes
001a07197935 also when plugging into decrypt I have a solid red light

I got everything to work except I can't get it to turn off with remote or phone app
posté Aout 14, 2023 dans la catégorie Dodge par roy dewitt (130 points)
modifié Aout 14, 2023 par roy dewitt

1 Réponse

0 votes


That is normal operation of the unit. As stated on the Fortin website and in th installation guide for that vehicle, the OEM remote used to program the system is dead once remote started.


Fortin suggestes either using the other oem remote for the vehicle or to use an RF kit.


Best regards.
répondu Aout 14, 2023 par derek g (337,560 points)