Questions & Answers

Problems with Evo-All in my 2014 Audi S4

0 votes


I have installed the Evo-All in my 2014 S4 and have some problems with it. 

Basically, remote starting works, but I have to Press the Lock button 5x to start the Car. It doesn't matter If I press the Button fast, wait 1 sec or wait 2 sec between the Button pushes. Needs 5x presses.
Tried already different Firmware.
Any solution for this Problem?

- Another Problem is when I start the Car remotely, the rearview camera isn't working. I need to stop the engine and start it again to get a Picture.
Where is There the Problem? Any Solution?

- Next Problem when I remotely start the Car and unlock the door with the key, I can enter and drive away without the Key?? (leaving the key away from the car) I was thinking this isn't possible?

- When I remotely start the Car, is it possible to unlock the Car with the door Handel? The Car has Keyless Entry/Go.

- Finally, can you reset my Flash Limit on my Evo-All?

S/N: 001A06905491

Thanks for helping me! 

posté Jan 28, 2023 dans la catégorie Audi par Vincc (230 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote

Basically, remote starting works, but I have to Press the Lock button 5x to start the Car. It doesn't matter If I press the Button fast, wait 1 sec or wait 2 sec between the Button pushes. Needs 5x presses. 
Tried already different Firmware. 
Any solution for this Problem?

Enable Lock-Unlock-Lock and not 3xlock. Guides will point to using that feature vs 3x Lock. The reason, is that the 2nd Lock is not detected. 



- Next Problem when I remotely start the Car and unlock the door with the key, I can enter and drive away without the Key?? (leaving the key away from the car) I was thinking this isn't possible?

The vehicle is remote started exactly the same way it is "normal" started. Once it is running, the key is not needed in the key port. The only reason you would want to put it in there is to be able to shut the car down after driving it. With that said, as long as the module sees an unlock signal it will allow takeover. If it does not see an unlock signal (someone breaks in) it will shut down when you open a door.


- When I remotely start the Car, is it possible to unlock the Car with the door Handel? The Car has Keyless Entry/Go.

Most Audi/VW vehicles will cancel the proximity unlock when the vehicle is started.


- Finally, can you reset my Flash Limit on my Evo-All?

It's reset. 

répondu Jan 30, 2023 par Robert T (304,010 points)