Questions & Answers

Intermittently will not shut off when time up.

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2015 Dodge Journey.Push to start. Evo-all.Hardware ver 7.0 Firmware 69.06. S/N: 001A07 215167

Standalone installation, lock X3 to remote start .

Sometimes the engine stays running when timer is up. Parking lights turned off, but engine still running. Tried remote start again, will not shut engine off. What could it be? Software issue?
posté Nov 1, 2022 dans la catégorie Dodge par Sun Chong (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes


When this happens what are the lights on the evo doing?


When this happens, have you hit unlock?
répondu Nov 1, 2022 par derek g (337,610 points)
Also having this issue. Lights on Evo are red and yellow solid and cant shut down by brake, ign switch, hood, or remote. sn# 002b04 267108
Hello Micheal Unger,


I am aware you have already spoken with my colleuges regarding your issue and have been advised to test with out the dsm550 and returning the evo back to 1.26.


Please let my colleuge know once this is done and what the reults are.


Best Regards.