Questions & Answers

2013 G37 Automatic Lights

0 votes
I just installed my Evo-All and THar-Nis1 in my 2013 G37xS Coupe. Everything works flawless except for the timed shut off, and when I use the key fob to shut off the engine. My running lights stay on.
posté Sept 8, 2022 dans la catégorie Infiniti par Kristopher Harms (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
For the auto lights to get turned off after time out or remote stop you must make the connection labelled drivers door pin in the diagram.
répondu Sept 8, 2022 par derek g (346,560 points)
I have everything wired per the install guide.
I would test the output then when shuttind down wiht a multi meter.


Let me know the results of your test.


Also if any type of quick connect was used, I recommend removeing them and making a proper connection to the vehicles wires.