Questions & Answers

How to hook up power windows as aux with Evo One on 2017 Tundra?

0 votes
Hello, how would I go about hooking up my power windows to roll up and down on 2017 Tundra equiped with Evo One?
posté Avr 25, 2022 dans la catégorie Toyota par Brian Cheek (130 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Normally for that you would need either a 529T from directed or a accwr-8-4 from scytek.


Both are control by a negative input. thats what you would connect the aux output of the evo one to.


For installation instructions for the modules on your truck you would need to contact the repsective manufacturers.
répondu Avr 25, 2022 par derek g (346,560 points)