Questions & Answers

2011 Sienna G-Key No tachometer signal

0 votes
I've installed Evo-one, remote starter RFK442 with Toy9 wiring packets. Connect and flash exactly the same with the Toy9 instruction. After all, I can start with remote starter but the vehicle failed to be ON. And flashing 4* parking light (no tachometer signal). Is there any solution for this problem? Thank you.

P/S: my S/N is 002B04 241048
posté Avr 10, 2022 dans la catégorie Toyota par KIEN MACH (210 points)
modifié Avr 11, 2022 par KIEN MACH

1 Réponse

0 votes
Please turn off option E4 under special functions in the evo-one bypass and re test. If the isue is still present please answer the following question:

Does the vehicle start and run then shut down? Or does it just turn on crank the engine over and then shut down?
répondu Avr 11, 2022 par derek g (359,100 points)
After spending my free time in a month to reinspect all the wire, it seems to be nothing be pinched. I've reflash the module several times, program it outside to make sure all the wire straight. The problem are sometimes it can be programmed, but then the transmitter doesn't have LED light, and couldn't be start even the remote is sounds working fine. Then I just take the module to reflash and programmed again, then it couldn't be programmed because of "check VSC ABS system message on".


Please help me out of this situation please. I'm so frustrated now.

Thank you a lot
At this point I would suggest calling into technical support when you have the module and vehicle on hand so that we can go over the installation and programming with you on the spot.



mon - fri

9 - 530 EST
After long time to diagnose where the pinch wire is. I finally figured out that the white connector (next to red one) on the T-harness was losen. That was why everytime I tried to hide module, that connector wiggled and trigger "Check VSC AS system". I unpin the connector and adjust the it to fit the pin firmly. Thank you very much for you help Derek.
Glad you got it sorted out.


Best Regards.

I have another questions. My Evo-one and RFK442 worked just fine; but sometimes the car can start, sometimes it doesn't and flash 4 times. So every time I remote started it, I don't know it will start or no. How can I make it work stably? Thank you.