Questions & Answers

Evo start 2 no service after switching from iPhone to Samsung s21

0 votes
Customer switched  from iPhone to Samsung S21 And now cannot login and it says the service is Unfortunately not available, it should be up shortly


evo all with toy 13 harness and evo start 2

2020 rav 4 push start
posté Fev 23, 2022 dans la catégorie Toyota par tony bacchus (340 points)

2 Réponses

0 votes
Try contacting Oto-Data for customer service, they are the one who manage all the account and data problem
répondu Fev 27, 2022 par Jerome Thomassin (2,450 points)
0 votes
This happens usually when you log in using a temporary password. If it is the case, create a new personal password then log out and log back in.
répondu Fev 28, 2022 par nathan garza (1,140 points)