Questions & Answers

Evo All setting off intrusion alarm and not starting car

+1 vote
I installed a prewired evo all into my 2018 Ford Escape. All programming went just as the instructions said and both factory keys successfully programmed. When I go to tripple lock the car the start it, the accessory power turns on, then the intrusion alarm goes off and the car does not start. How can I resolve this issue?
posté Jan 11, 2022 dans la catégorie Ford par Connor Hammond (140 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

What is the 12 digit service number of the evo-all?

does your alarm disarm itself by simply turning the key on or must you absolutely press the unlock button?


Best way to test this

  1. open window
  2. sit in car and close doors
  3. lock doors wait 1 minute
  4. open door without unlocking and alarm should start to ring
  5. Insert key and turn it on, does the alarm stop ringning?
répondu Jan 11, 2022 par Robert T (303,700 points)