Questions & Answers

After programming - once red 6 pin is plugged in, red light on Evo all stays solid.

0 votes
2014 Ford Explorer - Ford4 wire harness. Once I've completed programming and plug in the red 6 pin, dash lights and cabin fan comes on as though ignition is set to on (no key in ignition).  Will not turn off until red 6 pin, hodd latch plunger or data cable is unplugged from Evo All unit.

Something rattles inside of Evo unit which could be source of issue potentially?
posté Dec 19, 2021 dans la catégorie Ford par Chris Greer (130 points)
modifié Dec 19, 2021 par Chris Greer

2 Réponses

+1 vote

Ignition turning on when connecting the red connector indicates that CAN-BUS never programmed. After the RED-BLUE flashed together at the last step of programming, the BLUE led should of flashed on its own. It did not. 


You can program CAN-BUS on its own, this may wipe the key programming but you can redo it afterwards.

  1. Hold button in while insert 4 pin black connector
  2. Release when the LED is BLUE
  3. plug in remaining connectors
  4. turn key ON. If the blue led stays on when you turn the key on, key pressure on the key (pushing it into the barrel). 
  5. wait for blue led to start to flash
  6. turn key off.


répondu Dec 20, 2021 par Robert T (299,950 points)
Note, a lot of Fords have keysense issues and will give a hard time trying to program the module since it's connected to key sense. The trick is to keep pressure on the key after inserting it.
0 votes
Hmmm that is strange when you were doing the first step of holding the button while waiting for the red and blue lights to come on did you make sure to plug in all of the connectors including the red one?
répondu Dec 19, 2021 par Alex Choate (1,810 points)
I've reset and tried multiple configurations - leaving the red plug out, all plugs in, different timing of when I plug each in, etc.  I discovered if the hood pin circuit is closed, I can't get the keys to program.  I leave the hood circuit open, key programming goes through.  Once the hood pin circuit is closed, the red light comes on on the Evo and turns ignition on.
so the first step is to plug the black 4 pin connector while holding down the button until you get a solid blue and red light after that the timing of putting the wires in doesnt really matter. In order to program the keys the car has to be disarmed. I'm trying to think of a possible soultion becuase i am not staff so i don't have acess to pull up your modeular number. Have you tested your hood switch with a multi meter to make sure its good? As well so does the car remote start when you have the keys programmed or does the igniton turn on and thats it?Also does this article sound kinda of like the problem your having or a bit more complicated? This article is about someone basically having programming issues and not being able to program the second key but you said that you were able to program a key. Are we talking about just one key or two keys?

This article also might be somewhat helpful as well
I appreciate the feedback and links to other help documents.  I can put a volt meter to the hood pin but based on the feedback it's giving the evo unit I assumed it was operational.  When the hood pin circuit is open, autostart is deactived.  When the hood pin circuit is closed, the red light comes on and ignition comes on without any input from the keys.  Remote start sequence doesn't occur because I'm assuming the unit thinks the car is already running.

As to the key question I'm uisng two key programming.  The programming works if the red 6 pin connector is unplugged or if the red 6 pin is plugged with hood pin circuit open.  If the red 6 pin is plugged in and hood pin circuit is closed, the keys will not program.