Questions & Answers

EVO one on 2006 Honda Ridgeline stopped working and wont re-program, what can I do?

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I had this working for a few years and just this fall i noticed no blue light on the antenna and no activity on the antenna when i push the valet button or antenna button.  It has stopped functioning and was wondering if I can try to re-program, but i when i try to do the programing, i cannot get past the step where the 6 pin connector is plugged in and the red light lights up while pushinng the program button.  I am not getting a red light.  I have power (+12 volts) and ground on the 6 pinn connector.  Is there anything I can do at this point?  Is it toast?  I can hook up the evo one to the flash link and access it and get the red light and make changes to options so it still works off the vehicle.  Just cant seem to get it to program once plugged in.
posté Nov 19, 2021 dans la catégorie Honda par Ray Pfeifer (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
If it connects fine to the flasher, but does not cycle the colors while in the car when try to program, I would start by redoing the ground and inspecting visualy the power and ground terminals. It's all it needs for the first 4 steps of programming, power and ground.
répondu Nov 19, 2021 par Robert T (304,910 points)


Thanks a bunch! I went through the 6 pin connector with an ohm meter to verify everything was connected properly and it showed everything was fine.  I didn’t make any changes.  After that I tried to reprogram the EVO one and it worked the 1st time.  Not sure what happened but I assume there must have been a bad connection and me jiggling all the wires made a better connection.  Its working for now and I know what to look for if it happens again.  Appreciate the help.

