Questions & Answers

Evo start with analog install on Evo one?

0 votes
I was looking to install Evo one starter with alarm with Evo start on my 98 4runner I know my vehicle is not listed but with analog installation of Evo one this should work no problem I just wanted to know if the Evo start is able to work with a analog system and if I can still add an aftermarket RF kit like the compustar G15 RF kit?
posté Oct 29, 2021 dans la catégorie Toyota par Eric Bridgemohansingh (160 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Yes evo-start2 will work as long as you are in the coverage area (


No, you cannot use the G15 with the evo-one.
répondu Oct 29, 2021 par derek g (357,980 points)
Any idea what compustar remotes work with Evo all? I'm looking for something rugged that won't break easily
Fortin no longer supports Compustar RF kits.


Supported rf kits can be seen here: