Questions & Answers

Does RFK942 support RM442 (RFK442 remotes) with EVO-ONE

0 votes
Does existing install with RFK942 & EVO-ONE support RM422 (from RFK422 kit) remote as additional remote?


Does existing install with RFK442 with EVO-ONE support RM942 (from RFK942 kit) remote as additional/extra remote ?
posté Fev 9, 2021 dans la catégorie FAQ par P Patidar (390 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
no the 9 series uses its own antenna, the technology is not the same between the 9 series and 4 series.
répondu Fev 9, 2021 par derek g (334,350 points)
THanks !. Makes sense.