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2020 Jeep Renegade Push to start. Anyone tried it ? Won't program

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2020 Jeep Renegade Push to start. Anyone tried it ? The cables and connecters are exactly the same as a 2018 guide Programming wouldn't pick it up on an EVO ALL + CHR6
posté Jan 6, 2021 dans la catégorie Jeep par Jason Moher (130 points)
modifié Jan 6, 2021 par Jason Moher

1 Réponse

0 votes
2019+ Renegade is not tested yet.
répondu Jan 6, 2021 par Robert T (304,010 points)
Hi yeah I know it's not listed probably because it's not that popular of a model. But I was hoping it'd be the same, it seems to be I talked to my Jeep dealer, he said they haven't changed anything on those.

But the CHR7 is better setup for an RFK411 RF Kit I have to pair and EVO ALL too.

The D1 and D3 connection seems odd with the CH6R vs. a straight Wire to wire only using D4 and D6 to the 6 PIN start button.

The Headlight connector and the Data gateway is exactly the same on the 2020.


2020 Jeep Renengade Headlight plug:

2020 Jeep Renengade Data Gateway: