Questions & Answers

EVO-ONE - failed MA inspection after install 19 Mazda cx-5

0 votes
Went for a state inspection a few days after install failed because weak battery that was my fault a light was left on in the cabin, went back a couple hundred miles later and massachusetts state inspection lists certain systems as not ready. Anyone else seen this caused by the evo install? Could I temporarily remove the evo and the harness for the purpose of the inspection and put it back without damage?
posté Dec 15, 2020 dans la catégorie Mazda par Julian wiryo (130 points)

2 Réponses

+1 vote
You can remove the EVO-ONE and tharness, you need to disconnect the vehicle battery prior to disconnecting the t-harness.
répondu Dec 16, 2020 par Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
0 votes
Have you determined if the EVO caused any issue with the MA inspection? Did have to disconect it to pass?
répondu Fev 29 par Stack316 (290 points)