Questions & Answers

Will Thar Chr7 work with 2013 Ram 1500.

0 votes
Was told Thar Chr7 is a replacement for Thar Chr6
posté Dec 10, 2020 dans la catégorie Ram par Fred Khan (230 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes
Yes it can. Guides are not available yet though.


The difference is CHR7 has some extra connectors for the CAN-BUS.

If using the OBD plug, cut out the ORANGE CAN2 wires.

You can also use the 2 pin gateway harness to connect CAN at the gateway like on the 2018 model.
répondu Dec 12, 2020 par Robert T (305,380 points)
Great. Just one more thing. The red connector on the t harness only have the two data wires connected. When I look at the manual installation,there is two other wire for run signal. Just wondering if I will have to make those two run signal connections. Thanks for all your help.
Will work without those extra wires
Great. Thanks for all your help.