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2014 Jeep Cherokee STD key EVO-CHRT6 wont start *Message on Dashboard*

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 I installed EVO-CHRT6 stand alone on  a 2014 Jeep Cherokee STD key 1 month ago.  Last Friday customer called saying vehicle wont start with vehicle key and a message on dashboard says "key in igniton" with key in customers hand while door was open. Luckily I was near by and was able to go to customer and disable the EVO-CHRT6 t-harness from ignition and reinsert factory ignition harness. Message immediately went away and vehicle starts now with factory key.  Is it just a random faulty Evo-all unit?

Thank you,


posté Mai 11, 2018 dans la catégorie Jeep par Amit Gajjar (690 points)
modifié Mai 14, 2018 par Amit Gajjar

2 Réponses

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If the immo data relay stuck open this would happen, but it would still remote start. I would start by verifying the relays operation.
répondu Mai 14, 2018 par derek g (358,230 points)
After i reconnect ignition harness and test of remote start is still working then do I disconnect all connections to evo all and reconnect ? If relay unstick and everything works again, im running the risk of this happening this recur again to customer when I am not local so I am probably going to have this warrantied.
I reconnected the ignition t- harness and all seems to be working fine. If issue happens again i will see if it remote starts but will chalk it up to a faulty evo-all and have it warrantied.
Well issue is back. I replaced evo module and yet again remote start works fine for about a month or so and then yesterday day customer goes to vehicle and hits 3x lock and nothing happens and vehicle will not start with key phycisally. Message on dash says "Key in ignition". I had to remove t-harness at ignition and plug the factory harness back and instanlty message and warning chime goes away and car starts with key. Can I please have some help on this issue. Becoming major inconvenience for customer.
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Just wanted to update few months later, issue was fixed when the new 4.09 firmware was released and 1 igniton wire was removed from ambient temperature sensor per the old guide. Finally customer is happy :)

Thanks Fortin
répondu Oct 29, 2018 par Amit Gajjar (690 points)