Questions & Answers

can you program funtions without the use of an rf remote

0 votes
im using the oem remote to start vehicle with the lock button of the oem remote.  to change the funtions the directions say i need to use a remote that is already programmed, is this the only way to change the functions?
fermer avec la note: got it
posté Jan 5, 2017 dans la catégorie Nissan par harold wilson (130 points)
fermé Jan 5, 2017 par harold wilson

1 Réponse

0 votes
there are 2 ways to change the functions.

1- with a programmed rf remote.

2- using the flash link updater2.
répondu Jan 5, 2017 par derek g (358,130 points)
where do i go to change the funtions with the flash update 2? I need to change two funtions to 31-4 and 32.3
connection mode remote starter

plug in the evo one

go to options and change accordingly