Questions & Answers

I cannot get past step 5 on 09 xterra.

+1 vote
I have the Evo One with T-harnesses with everything connected and I cannot get past step 5. I get the solid yellow and red lights but do not get the fast flashing blue light to complete the step. Any help would be appreciated
posté Jan 13, 2016 dans la catégorie Nissan par Stephen Dockeney (320 points)
modifié Jan 13, 2016 par Stephen Dockeney

1 Réponse

0 votes
If the blue led is not flashing then this would indicate a problem with either the firmware or the can bus connections. check both of these

The service number provided is not a valid number on a evo-one the service number should start with 002b...
répondu Jan 13, 2016 par derek g (347,180 points)