Questions & Answers

2017 lincoln navi door locks not working on evo start 2

0 votes
I just installed a evo all and evo start 2 on 17 navigator,  I followed the 2015 guide since there was no 2016 and 2017 available everything works but the only issue right now is on the evo start 2 app I can remote start but the lock and unlock does not work is there anything i can do to fix that . thanks
posté Oct 24 dans la catégorie Lincoln par Shawn sri (550 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

If the door locks do not work over data then there wouldn't be much for you to try since this vehicle is not supported and the evo-all in stand alone does not have any analog door lock outputs.


You could go with an evo-one module, it has analog door lock ouputs, you could then hardwire the door locks from the module to the vehicle.


Best regards.
répondu Oct 24 par derek g (347,180 points)