Questions & Answers

EVO All 20 pin yellow wire no 12V

0 votes
Have EVO All with Toy6 harness just added EVO Start 2 and spliced the yellow wire from the antenna to the yellow wire IGN1 apparently then programmed the Evi all. The Evo all lights up and seems to function but I have no power at the yellow wire? Have I been told the wrong colcoured wire? Also now my 3x lock doesn't work anymore either? 2018 Tacoma push to start
asked Oct 26, 2018 in Toyota by Larry Moreau (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There should be voltage at the yellow wire of the 20 pin connector as this is connected to the igntion wire on the steering lock connector of the vehicle via the t-harness.

please provide the 12 digit service number of the module.


Thank you,
answered Oct 27, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)
Hi Rico the number is 001A06819983
It seems that the trucks lights parking lights at the front come on when I give the smart phone commands and will react to start the truck but the door locks don't actually engage or the starter doesn't engage either. It's like they are not receiving 12v from the module?
Ok so after speaking to tech support today they confirmed that 12v is only present when the vehicle is running. Tech support confirmed that the programming was locked and I could do a master reset on the Evo All and reprogram the unit from scratch. After I did that everything works perfectly.