Questions & Answers

Evo All not shutting vehicle down after brake is pressed.

0 votes
I am only able to turn off the remote start by pressing lock x3, the brake does not work and allows me to drive with no keys. I have options A2-11 engaged. 08 Ford Escape hybrid.
asked Mar 4, 2018 in Ford by nate faldet (180 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Please shut off B2 and retest in the vehicle, this options should not be enabled in your particular installation.


Thank you,
answered Mar 5, 2018 by J M (64,270 points)
That still did not work.

What I have selected:



D1 D1.7 D4


G1 G2

Any other ideas?
Test the black wire on the 20 pin connector, with the vehicle ignition in the on position, if you press the brake do you get any voltage on the black wire?
You will need to take the module out of standalone mode (disable D1) to perform the test Derek mentioned.
Also can you email us an image of where you connected the Can H and Can L wires at the OBD-II connector, so we can identify which set of Can wires you are currently connected to.


Thank you,