Questions & Answers

2016 Mazda CX-5 EVO-ALL Plus THAR-MAZ1 Unable to Find Ground Out While Running

0 votes
I am planning on installing an EVO-ALL with T-harness on a 2016 Mazda CX-5. This is my first time doing this, I was looking over everthing on WireColor as well as guide 62941. I think I am able to find everything I need except WireColor does not show a wire to connect A8 to (ground while running). Does this wire just get grounded to the vehicle or does it need to go to another wire?

Also, WireColor states that wire A2 going to Lock needs an in-line 1k ohm resistor. Is this necessary? Lock & Arm is also called out but guide 62941 does not show a wire going here, does anything need to be done for Lock & Arm?
asked Dec 3, 2017 in Mazda by Oleg Skotsen (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Do not follow wire color for you install. it is mearly an aid to show you information about all the wires in the car.


Follow the vehicle specific INSTALLATION guide.

Are you starting the car via your factory remote by pressing lock 3x?
answered Dec 4, 2017 by derek g (358,800 points)


Thank you for your reply. Yes, I want to start the car via factory remote. I undertand that wire color is only information about the car but Fortin install guide 62941 (Regular Installation without Take Over with T-harness for Automatic Transmission only) shows a wire that needs to connect to "Ground while running". Where does this wire go?

I want to use the factory remote.
you are following the wrong guide.


Here is the right guide:
Guide 62951 calls out an RF kit. Perhaps I am confused but isn't an RF Kit an aftermarket remote? I would like to remote start using the OEM key fob/remote. If I don't intend on using an aftermarket RF kit and I need to use guide 62951, where do I connect the yellow ignition wire on the the T-harness? Guide 62951 shows this wire going to the RF kit... Please advise.
yes it says rf kit, but thats why their is a big grey box around it that says optional/not included.

so if not using an rf kit, simply ignore that part as it is not needed.

Do you want to show me exactly where it says optional in the grey box around the RF kit? You're pretty rude, man. I just asked a simple question and you've basically undermined be at every step while not having complete knowledge about what you're talking about. It's a mistake of Fortin to allow you to communicate with their customers. There is a good chance I will not buy another Fortin product because of this correspondence, I may also return the equipment that you did NOT help me install.

I apologize if you took my comment as rude, it was not meant that way.

I am simply trying to give you the right guide with the right information.
This forum and technical support's purpose is to provide "support" which is unfortunately misunderstood by people purchasing products online that don't install remote starters for a living as a service that will guide you wire by wire to perform an installation, that is strictly not true.

You did not want to follow a guide that has an image of a RF kit (which can be added on a standalone installation) yet you insist on following a guide with a full remote starter...

As it is, Derek went out of his way to help you when technically an answer stating, "Bring this product to a professional for installation" should've sufficed.

All Fortin products on our website bear this statement: THIS PRODUCT MUST BE SOLD, INSTALLED AND SUPPORTED BY A PROFESSIONAL.

Thank you and have a nice day,