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2015 Lexus RX 350PTS - EVO all + Python 4706P Datalink protocol kept saving to F2 instead of F3 (D2D)

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Hello all,

 Just recently trying to get the evo all + python 4706P remote starter installed in a 2015 Lexus Rx 350 PTS. i am using a Fortin regular install guide 3440. I am using datalink ( back 4 pin) to connect the Fortin to the Python. I retrace, double check all wirings. It's all good. Programing the Fortin was good.

I notice, after a couple of reflashing the Evo all,  as i go thru the evo all option, the Python 4706P requires the datalink to D2D protocol (F3  option) the moment i save the option, the program default to option F2 ( AP/OFA protocol) instead.  does anybody know the fix for the error?

more additional info: Locking and unlocking on the Pytthon works. when remote starting the vehicle, i heard a bunch of click. the LED on the fortin does lit up orange or red. I can't remember  ( getting late) then the python starting error msg show up on the 2 way remote. Any help is greatly Thanks....

Python guide : 2016-02 web2.pdf
asked Aug 30, 2017 in Lexus by david nguyen2 (160 points)

1 Answer

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You need to turn ON supported RF kits option, Then turn OFF the FT-D100 option, Then turn back OFF the supported RF kit option.

Also Turn OFF the following options: E2, D5, D6, B1, B2, B3 & D2 if the vehicle does not have an alarm you should also turn off option D2.

Turn ON the following options: A7, A8.


Or the more simple way around your issue: Perform a master reset on the module as shown here: ( Then re program the module in the vehicle and only turn ON the d2d option.
answered Aug 30, 2017 by derek g (358,130 points)
Just wanted to say, Thank you So much FORTIN. your Company are super AMAZING. i posted my problem 12 AM, I got a call from your tech 8:30 AM the same day.

 here is what i would like to contribute back for the next average DIYer, disassebling the RX350, there is a hidden screw behinde the drive dash cup holder- youtube has a video.

please note I did not wanted to mess around with additional programing the Python because time is valuable

I'll start with the Python installation (wiring). watch out for the (-) Neutral safety /parking brake input wire [24 pin harness, cable 13. it MUST be connected to Ground.],

Python 4706P default setting is for a MANUAL vehicle ( see Menu 3 - item 1 to program to AUTO vehicle - search on youtube- there is a video showing how-to)

the hood pin on the Python was defaulted as Normally Open - where the i guess Fortin evoall was set at Normally Closed. ( I had to turn off the hood pin on the Fortin.) on the Python there is a manual over write toggle switch to turn the python off.

​also the Python was giving me error codes for hand/foot brake - i also disable that feature on the Fortin also.

All in all, Lesson learned. Once again big thanks to FORTIN tech support. your company rocks..
Glad to hear all is working as it should!