Questions & Answers

Car over cranking

0 votes
Hi, i installed a crimestopper with a evo all on a 2013 civic, i set tach learning mode on crimestopper but sometimes it over cranks. If i hardwire tach wire from evo to crimestopper will it help with the over cranking? Crimestopper manual says when using a data module for tach signal do not connect tach wire, this will create a conflict. The system can only use one tach source. If i hardwire tach wire evo all to crimestopper it's still the same source right? And should not have any conflict?
asked Apr 10, 2017 in Honda by julio pelayo (1,650 points)
edited Apr 10, 2017 by julio pelayo

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer
2 ways around this,


1. Change the protocol on both devices to AP/OFA (idatalink) check crimestopper manual for procedure and set option F2 (ap/ofa) in the evo and test if it still overcranks, if it does, then follow steps below.


2. Cut the data wires in the datalink connector (blue and white) and connect all the wires you need from the evo to the crimestopper "wire to wire" , you can even at this point connect the tach wire from the crimestopper directly to the vehicle.


Thank you,
answered Apr 10, 2017 by J M (64,270 points)
selected Apr 11, 2017 by julio pelayo
I thought crimestopper works best with fortin. protocol, is ap/ofa better at detecting tach signal? Can i just do tach w2w or does the wire become disabled when using data cable? I want to keep data cable connected because I'm controlling crimestopper arm disarm and 3xlock with oem key fob. If i cut data wires and do w2w will i still have control of crimestopper with oem key fob?
ap/ofa is just another type of datalink protocol. The Evo-All is capable of communicating using 1 of the 3 different protocols currently used by the name brand manufacturers and they are


F1 = Fortin protocol

F2 = AP/OFA (Autopage or Crimestopper OFA modules, also compatible with idatalink)

F3 = D2D (DEI products such as Viper, Autostart, Prostart etc)


If you are having communication issues on the Fortin Protocol, then switching to AP/OFA (on both modules) will let you test to see if the issue is caused by datalink communication errors or something else in your installation,


The best people to ask about this would be Crimestopper to see if they put priority on tach via datalink over tach via analog (pink wire on evo OR actual tach of vehicle)


Cutting the data wires (blue and white on datalink cable) will make you lose oem remote monitoring. BUT as far as I know, Crimestopper also has a programmable input wire that can be directly connected to the driver's doorlock motor wires to give you analog oem remote monitoring, but like i said, the best people to be able to answer these types of questions would be crimestopper themselves.