Questions & Answers

evo one remote start with t-harness only at 5x not 3x as it suppose

+1 vote
when I remote start it only starts at the 5th press not 3x as it supposed to also radio does not turn on with remote start is a 2014 honda accord sport evo one with t-harness
asked Apr 3, 2017 in Honda by paul hernandez2 (190 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Slow down how fast you a pressing the button. One press per mississippi.
answered Apr 3, 2017 by derek g (359,300 points)
selected Apr 3, 2017 by paul hernandez2
thanks I was doing it too fast it starts at 3x now is my radio suppose to turn on with the remote start? and also how to I get rid of the horn chirps while remote starting?

"and also how to I get rid of the horn chirps while remote starting?"   This is a feature of the car and cannot be changed normally.

"is my radio suppose to turn on with the remote start"  On some vehicles it may on some vehicles it may not...on your car it should be on I think...

thank you for your help is just weird that if Ileave my A/C on it turns on but not my radio and since I have an aftermarket amplifier it makes a humming noise but anyways I think maybe on a new update they will fix that thanks again.
Is the amp turning on when you remote start? Is the amps remote turn on connected to the radio turn on output? Or is it actually connected to an acc or igntion in the vehicle?

Is the radio also aftermarket?

The radio is normally powered by accessory 2 on this vehicle. Testing this circuit would also yield an answer.
radio is factory I am getting power of an ACC to the AMP but the radio does not turn on don't know what other settings besides what the installation notes told me to turn on, I have function 2 mode 2 on remote starter options I did not changed nothing on the bypass besides flashing the settings it gave me.

Accessory 2 in your vehicle is not powered on remote start because all it does is power the radio so not essetial for remote starting.

Your amp is buzzing because you connected it to accessory 1 which is powered on remote start but does not power the radio which is why the radio is not on.

Your amp should ideally be connected to the Factory remote amp turn on which is at the radio 24 pin connector pin 20.

So in short:

1- No, radio is not on during remote start...this is normal for your vehicle.

2- Your amp is buzzing because it was powered off of the wrong circuit.


Hope this helps yes

ok get it now thank you, I will see if I can rewire it to the factory radio thank you so much.