Questions & Answers

2007 Silverado won't start with key evo gmt4

0 votes
2007 Silverado evo gmt4 stand alone with rf kit (fortin2) won't start with key or remote . Intermittent problem, I've tried differant remote starters (as1774 and 1272) differant gmt4 and differant evo all's same problem .  Tried firmware 70.16 and 70.17 problem still there. Everything programs fine and seemed to work but later stops . Any suggestions would be great
asked Dec 22, 2015 in Chevrolet by Chris Graux (190 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
I would suggest removing the modules and T-Harness for a day or two...If the problem still exists its a problem in the vehicle itself and not with the modules or t-harness.
answered Dec 22, 2015 by derek g (358,800 points)