Questions & Answers

2015 F150 PTS stand-alone, locks work, no start

0 votes
Put in evoall to this 2015 F150 with push-to-start. Truck has OEM start so this is to be used as range extender with smart start.


However, cannot get the truck to start. At this point I am trying to start by grounding the yellow/black start trigger input. The module clicks but nothing happens.


If I ground the lock and unlock inputs it will lock and unlock fine.


Kit ID 001A06 445232
asked Jun 9, 2015 in Ford by JEREMY JOHNSON (1,820 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Is the blue wire in the 20 pin Evo-All connector connected somewhere? Did the module program properly?

Do any leds light up when you are trying to start by pulsing the Yellow/Black wire to ground?

Thank you.
answered Jun 10, 2015 by J M (64,170 points)
Also which installation guide is being followed and what do the LEDs do when the yellow/black wire is grounded.
No, blue wire not hooked up.


Stand-alone mode. just the 4 canbus wires, ign sense and power/ground. Working now with the yellow/black. Not sure what I did there.


But: I dont have a cable that plugs directly into the smartstart and the Evo so I made one. Smartstart is set up for D2D (grey wire grounded) as it was working on a DBALL previously.

It will lock onto cellular and I can talk to it, but it doesnt seem to want to talk to the Evo. The green light never goes on to indicated communnication has been established. (maybe it doesnt when using evo?) But the evo doesnt respond. I checked my wiring on my custom made cable and all looks right according to the smart-start install document. I reversed the comm lines and no difference. (Power and ground is right of course as the smartstart unit powers up)


Have I set the options properly?
Don't scratch your head too long, your options are fine. Problem is with the firmware. With the 71.28 firmware, we're actually looking at the D2D protocol with SmartStart not functioning 100% at the moment. We already have the setup being tested. Hopefully a solution will be out by the end of the day or week...

If this was not a 2015 F150 we could downgrade the firmware to anything below 71.18 but unfortunately those firmwares are not compatible with this type of install.
Just a little update. I will be testing firmware 0.74 tomorrow for D2D functionality.
Update, 71.29 has the latest D2D protocol compatibility fix. Please update, reset, and reprogram the module.
Lol. Ok.


Already ripped this out and sent the customer packing for now.

DBALL2 wasnt working right in this truck and Evo wouldnt communicate with smart-start. Double whammy!

Any chance you will be able to send info back out to the smart start at some point? If we could get the status updates, I would use the Evo much more often. But without, its my backup solution and not the go-to piece.


PS, I dont seem to be getting email updates when my post is replied to. Not in my junk mail or spam folders. Hmm.
Ya i know, the status updates is requested all the time. Hopefully the future will bring this feature to life!