Questions & Answers

Starter kill relay wiring for a 2015 dodge Durango with a fortin evo one with thar-chry7 t harness

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Starter kill relay wiring for a 2015 dodge Durango with a fortin evo one with thar-chry7 t-harness
asked Feb 19 in Dodge by Brian Freeman (130 points)

1 Answer

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You can use the drk blue wire on the 20 pin connector of the evo-one and set option 32.4 in the remote starter.

This will cause the wire to go to ground when armed and can be used to trigger a relay to open a circuit of your choosing to prevent starting of the vehicle.

Best regards.
answered Feb 19 by derek g (359,100 points)
i understand that part im trying to see how to wire the relay up in a 2015 dodge durango
Here is a basic idea of how a starter kill would be wired (normally closed):

Best regards.