Questions & Answers

Nissan Sentra remote start not working.

0 votes
I have a 2017 Nissan Sentra PTS. I've done the programming and decrypting processes twice now and pressing the button 3 times to start does not work.  The security and caution light on the dash are also on. The service number on the program module is 00A07336089. I just rechecked the ground and now the caution light has turned off, nut the security light is staying on.
asked Feb 21, 2022 in Nissan by Jonathan Stauffer (130 points)
edited Feb 22, 2022 by Jonathan Stauffer

1 Answer

0 votes
You need to enable option D1 in the evo-all.
answered Feb 22, 2022 by derek g (358,230 points)
Thank you- D1 has been enabled.

Remote start still is not working and the caution and immobalizer lights are back on the dash.
Do the brake lights turn on when trying to remote start?


Does the dash turn on when trying to remote start?


Was purple/yellow on the 20 pin connected?
Brake lights and dash do not turn on when attempting to remote start. The four ways flash both on the outside of the car and the dash.  It's a quick flash- same sequence as locking the car.  I don't think a purple/yellow line is connected in the t-harness assembly.  There are two wires that plug into the car - a white and a black main line. The four smaller wires 1 black, 1 white, a red and I believe a smaller white line all connect to the black box that is used to program everything.  I did notice a smaller wire when looking closely at the t-harness lines but don't see a spot to connect it.
When you press lock does the blue led blink? If it does blink blue, what happens on the evo when you make it blink 3 times in a row?

Did you connect the start/stop button connection?


Purple/yellow should be connected to as per the installation guide: