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2005 4Runner with Evo One & T-Harrness, RFK942, programmed, lock and unlock work but will not remote start

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I have a 2005 4Runner with the Evo One installed per guide 84911.  Installed RFL942 RF kit.  Was able to program unit with Flash Link Updater, and program one key for bypass.  Was able to program both remotes.  Can lock and unlock car with both remotes.  Remote start will not work.  When remote start is initiated, the red LED next to the programbutton on the Evo One will blink 3 times, and nothing more.  Parking lights wil not blink.  No ignition, no start, nothing more.  The remote will report that the start did not work.

Also the RFK942 antenna bule LED does not light up.  It did initially after install and remote programming, but it no longer does.  I'm not sure if this is something that I turned off in the programming, as I tried several different options there, including starting over with the programming guide.

I attempted to factory reset the Evo One, however I was unable to get the unit to factory default, as described in the help links.  I don't have a data link harness setup, so I was undertain if it is not possible, or if the reset can be attempted while connected to the Flash Link Updater.  It's be nice if there was a factory default option in the PC program, but starting over seens to do the same thing.

What can I do to troubleshoot this?  Is the unit defective, or am I missing some step?
asked Mar 2, 2020 in Toyota by Sean Figgins (130 points)
edited Mar 2, 2020 by Sean Figgins

1 Answer

0 votes
3 flashes is Ready Mode not enabled for manual transmission vehicles.

Is the vehicle automatic transmission? If so, did you cut the little yellow wire on the back of the unit?


The led on the antenna, will flash slowly when Lock is received and be OFF when last command received is unlock.
answered Mar 2, 2020 by Robert T (299,950 points)
I followed the directions, including cutting the yellow wire.  I also have one of these units installed in a newer Mitsubishi without issue.


I also read the three blinks to be a "Ready Mode disabled" state, but could not figure out why this would be.  I unplugged the three wires that I thought might cause this to troubleshoot, the pink/black (hood pin), the Dark Blue (door sensor) and black (foot brake), however it made no difference.  I will try to unplug the lock/unlock and parking light wires as well, and see if that makes a difference.  Is there any other troubleshooting steps that I can take?

Also, the parking lights are not working with the unit.  I have another alarm that is wired to parking lights, and was able to confirm that this is wired to the correct wire, however that does not appear to make a difference here.


Guide 24121 shows the A1 wire being connected to the E5 wire, but that is not present in guide 84911.  Should this be connected?
It appears that the unit is stuck in valet mode.  The LED by the program button is constantly lit.  I am unable to get the unit out of valet mode.  I have tried using both the valet switch and the switch on the antenna.  I have tried to do a master reset, however that only seems to reset the bypass side, and only actually resetting the stored key.  I have not been able to determine how to reset teh remote-start side.

Note, the parking lights are not working with this unit, and I do not have the horn or siren hooked up and as far as I can tell, the unit does not seem to know or care if I have the igition on.

Any additional thoughts on how to reset this unit completely if the valet switch isn't working?

Unit only needs 12v, ground, and igniiton on in order to go in and and out of valet mode. So first to do is to take a testing tool to test those wires directly at the evo. This will confirm proper connection.


Yellow wire is not required to be connected. 


Parking lights, make sure to be using the (-)trigger indicated in the guide and not somewhere else that can easily be a (+)trigger... You mentionned having another device installed and that it controls parking lights. Question is, WHERE is it connected and what polarity is that system using? 


Remote starter reset is found in the generic evo-one guide. It's done with the valet button.



I will validate the polarity on the parking light wire.  My understanding is that the green wire is positive, so that would not work, but there are lots of green wires in Toyotas, so what I wee elsewhere may not be what I see on this specific guide.  The guide only refers to this connector as "Back view White 28-pin connectorAt body ECU, dash fuse box."  Unlike the Mitsubishi guide, which had pictures of the actual connector.  I also have doubt that I'm in the correct wire for the door connector, as I did not observe any change in state when the door was opened of closed.


I'll update further after I have had a chance to look look again.

If the (-)parking light output was connected on a (+) circuit, this can (and may have already), damaged your module.


for parking lights..The connector location is on right side of the fuse box / becu, top most connector.


for driver door pin.. The connector is right underneath the the connector with parking lights. This connection is not required if vehicle is not equipped with autolights. The module pulses the door to replicate the door opening.
Starting Friday, I did quite a bit of work.  I took the working unit out of the Mitsubishi, reprogrammed it, and put it in the 4Runner.  After I programmed the remotes and key, it worked like a champ.  At least Friday night.  More on that in a minute.  The unit that was in the 4Runner, I reprogrammed for the Mitsubishi.  It programmed fine, but I would not get the blue LED on the unit to come on, so I could not finish the capture/decode/program of the smart key.  I also could not factory reset this unit, although it would interact with the flash updater module just fine.

The unit that ws moved to the 4Runner worked find several times on Firday night and Saturday during the day.  After remote starting it Saturday night and driving to dinner, it failed to remote start as we were leaving.  The parking lights flashed three times, and the antenna LED was constantly lit as blue.  I tried a few things, then eventually unplugged the unit.  When I plugged it back in, it seemed to get out of this state, and attempted to start the car, however the key programming was lost, so I had to add that.  After reprogramming the key, it started the car fine.  It would not manage the locks correctly, though.  It would unlock the door (and disarm the alarm) and then start, but did not relock the doors, and I could not lock or unlock the doors with either the RF remote or factory remote.  After I left this over night, this morning, it was acting normal, and I was able to start it via remote, and then unlock the doors with the RF remote.  That worked for the drive to the store, however it refused to start when I was on the way home, again with three flashes of the parking lights.  Another unplug/key reprogram, and it starts again, but with no door locks, as described above.  It is presently in the non-working mode, as I hate to have to unplug/reprogram every time I want to remote start it.

This does not sounds like a wiring problem, but please let me know what you think.  This unit worked for 3 weeks in the Mitsubishi, so I don't think it is a faulty unit.  Perhaps there is some bug in the firmware?  Or something else that I am doing wrong.  I suspect that this may be the same issue I was seeing with the other unit.

What next?
Further research on this.  The problem starts after the car is remote started with the remote, then the foot brake is engaged after key takeover.  After this, the system will give the "ready mode disabled" signal when a remote start is attempted.  To put the system back into ready mode, I have to use the remote start while the car is running, turn off the key, and then use the remote to turn off the car (option + start buttons).  The car will again remote start.  So far, following this procedure, I have achieved 100% predictable outcome. withthe current system.  I can attempt this with the original system to see if the behavior is the same, however I believe that system may need some additional reset that I can not achieve.

Suggestions on what to do next?
Sounds like it's working the way it should.


Ready mode needs to be enabled anytime the car has been driven or if someone simply opens the door, it will cancel ready mode. Ready mode is not a one time deal.
This is a 2005 4Runner.  They don't come in manual in this year.  The yellow wire was cut at the time of install.  I don't believe that the unit is working the way that it is supposed to work if it is acting like a manual transmission with the yellow wire cut.  If there some programming that needs to be adjusted, or is there some other defect in the version of code it is running?
There is no programming for that.  It's only that yellow wire that decides the outcome.

You can try reflashing the remote start firmware, 1.25.


If there is low voltage on either A1 or E5 while the car is off, this would be the only other reason since the module would be seeing ignition on already.
Thank you for your response.  A1 is disconnected. I will check E5, but it seems unlikely that this is the issue, as I assume it would be the same behavior as if the ignition was actually on.  I will try other versions of the flash as well.
Reflashed the code, both the remote start and bypass.  First the bypass down to 78.48, which would not recognize the remote, then up to 79.59 (newest just released).  Just reflashed the remote start to 1.25.  I also made some changes to options A11, and 32.  No changes in behavior were observed.

I want to update the description of the problem.  The ONLY time that this system will leave ready mode is if it is remote started and then I use the key take over and pres the brake.  If I do not remote start, I can start the car withteh key, drive it, open all doors, windows, accessories, open the hood, etc. and still not have it leave ready mode.  If it leaves ready mode, I have to put it back in by remote starting it while the car is running, just like a manual transmission car.

I did not observe any low voltage on E1, and A1 is dosconnected.  Given that the only way for it to leave ready mode is while the ignition is on, low voltage does not seem like a likely issue.

Anything "Bypass mode" mode related has nothing to do with anything. It's only for immobilizer bypass. So flashing the bypass, reprogramming the bypass, will not change anything in regards to the module still thinking it's in a manual transmission vehicle.


1. Reset everything and get the evo to stock.

---- Reset bpyass:

---- Reset remote starter portion, then disconnect and reconnect power. If the RS reset worked, your remotes should not be functional at all anymore. If they are still functional, redo the reset.


2. Don't even bother trying to program the key yet. The starter can be tested by simply having the key slid into the ignition barrel.


3. With everything connected

---- take the PINK/BLACK wire and ground it for 2 seconds

---- take the BROWN/WHITE wire and ground it for 2 seconds.


4. Connect EVO to flash link and set up any remote start options needed. (dont bother changing anything on the bypass side).


5. Reprogram your remotes.


6. Test remote starter

