Questions & Answers

2012 Prius V trunk release not working

+1 vote

I have installed a EVO-all with EVO start 2 in my 2012 Prius V, SN:001A07018794, stand alone installation.

1. My oem key doesn't have the trunk release button, but it has a electric trunk release button on the hatch door. Is it means  the trunk release function can not work?

2. I didn't connect the autolight wires, is it only for alarm system? 

3. By the way, please remove the A11 from suggested options! My car doesn't have a hood trigger. It cause remote start stop working on the NEXT DAY broken heart

Thank you guys

asked Feb 21, 2020 in Toyota by Quan Yu (230 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
The module mimics the oem lock/unlock/trunk release commands. If the oem does not have trunk option, it will not work.

If you absolutely need a trunk open option, the EVO-ONE has a dedicated analog output that you can connect to the trunk release switch.

If your lights turn off properly, you will not need the autolight connection.
answered Feb 21, 2020 by Robert T (304,280 points)