Questions & Answers

My 2011 GMC Sierra won't start by key with just the T harness THAR-GM4 completely plugged in.

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With the T Harness plugged into both connections without the EVO-ALL connected the key will not start the engine.  If I disconnect the CAN Bus connecter and reconnect the factory CAN Bus connecter the truck starts by my key.  So I guess my question comes down to does the EVO-ALL have to be plugged into the T Harness for me to use my key? The harness is THAR-GM4
asked Feb 17, 2020 in GMC by Tom Cook (130 points)

1 Answer

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Need to connect at least the RED connector to the EVO. Immo power is interupted which is why you cannot start with the key
answered Feb 17, 2020 by Robert T (299,950 points)