Questions & Answers

Why am I getting 3 red LED blinks after step 7?

0 votes
UPDATE: I plugged everything in and gave it a try. Car starts right up but dies immediately. Gives me the "no key" alert. dcryptor process will not complete for some reason.


2013 Passat standard key, standalone install. EVO-ALL (2/2019), THAR-VW2, and TB-VW (1/2017).

Guide 62471

SN: 001A07 008702

Flashlink Firmware: 75.39

TB-VW wired into brown transponder wire.

I have all of the harness installed as directed but when I start the dcryptor programming, all goes beautifullt until the end of step 6. When I release the programming button, I don't get the rapid 3-LED alternation. The red LED just continuously blinks 3 times. I've even tried resetting the
asked Feb 3, 2020 in Volkswagen by James Jean (130 points)
edited Feb 3, 2020 by James Jean

1 Answer

0 votes

3 red flash is vehicle unknown. You will want to go over your CAN2 connections. 

Also, reset the evo.

answered Feb 3, 2020 by Robert T (299,950 points)
What voltage should I be getting at the CAN2 connections?

I checked the resistance from the OBD to the CAN2 connector. Everything is great there - no resistance.

I reset the EVO as directed in your link but I still get the triple red flash at the end of step 6. Am I doing something wrone in flash link? Everything there shows my exact vehicle. I ran pro version and saved the suggested options. What am I missing here?
it would be an even split of 5Vdc. Meter them directly at the evo connector to ensure connections are good. And, check that the wires are simply not reversed.

Voltage there is good. Split 5v. Still getting the 3 red flashes. Am I doing something wrong in flash link? Everything there shows my exact vehicle. I ran pro version and saved the suggested options. What am I missing here?


proably diagrams to obd connector is wrong - change can hi to can low