Questions & Answers

2015 Jeed Grand Cherokee PTS, EVO ONE and Drone DR-3400

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i have a 2015 jeep grand cherokee PTS, i installed the EVO-ONE with T-harness using guide 24941, programming the bypass, and dcryptor worked the first time. hooked up the drone mobile DR-3400 to the bypass, yes wires are switched, and bypass remote starter side is flashed 0.50. i tried to start it with the drone app and it wouldnt start, the factory alarm just went off. i then turned on option D2, reinstalled, now doors will unlock after trying to start it with the drone app, but thats all it does. ignition doesnt turn on or anything.i get a message from the drone app saying "remote start failed"  what can i try to get this to work properly?

asked Jan 22, 2020 in Jeep by Derek Waldner (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Is the unit also set up for 3xlock? If so, does 3xlock work?

Are parking lights connected? If so, how many times do they flash after the evo attempted to start? You can also count the flashes of the red led on the BACK of the unit (not the one on top)


The car is started like a human. Brake is pressed and PTS is pressed. Does it say anything in the cluster when attempting to remote start?
answered Jan 22, 2020 by Robert T (299,950 points)
It is not set up for 3xlock, as it has factory remote start, and I just want to use Drone mobile. Does it have to be set up? I will have to count the flashes on the module as the parking lights weren't connected. Nothing comes up on the dash when attempting to start, doors just unlock and that's as far as it goes. I just rechecked if something comes up on the dash, and as soon as the doors unlock it comes up with the door open symbol for a second or two. I do have the dark blue hooked to door pin purple.
3xlock does not need to be set up. I would suggest turning it on though for testing purposes. Mainly because the Drone is not listed as supported ever since their 3400 model.


Look for the red led flash. Also, the TOP red led should be turning on if the Drone sent us a start command. It might just be unlocking because module received unlock.