Questions & Answers

my activation key has timed out before i could get it installed in my 2015 Nissan murano push button start

0 votes
can i get anouther activation key my has timed out before i could get it installed in my 2015 Nissan Murano push button start
asked Jan 9, 2020 in Nissan by archie haynes (160 points)
edited Jan 9, 2020 by archie haynes

1 Answer

+1 vote
I responded to your e-mail. I will send you the pdf once you adivse me of the year, make, model and trim.
answered Jan 9, 2020 by derek g (334,350 points)
it is a 2015 nissan murano push button start
Sent it to your email.
I need to decrypt program the Oem remote and I can't go back to do that on the web site and flash link4 how can I decrypt the remote

dcryptor program can be downloaded here:
