Questions & Answers

Keyless Start System Problem 2019 Civic Manual PTS

0 votes
I am getting this error after installing the Evo ONe with Hon7 Harness using the recommended default settings. Any suggestions?
asked Oct 28, 2019 in Honda by Steve Booth (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

Did  you pull the fuse like mentionned on page 6?


When exactly does that message pop on? When starting normally? When enabling ready mode? when remote starting?


answered Oct 28, 2019 by Robert T (299,950 points)
This message comes on after enabling the ready mode and after remote starting the vehicle. If I start the vehicle normally the message goes away. The fuse has been pulled and reinstalled.
There are a few circuits that go open once the starter is enabled either by ready mode or remote start, a warning may pop up. After remote start take over though (once you get in, press the push button, then press the brake), all warnings should go away.


Connection wise, the only thing to worry about is cut3. The orientation of white/red and white/green will matter.


Being a HON7, also make sure it's on the latest Honda/Acura firmware, 73.31.
0 votes
Was this ever figured out? I am having this same issue. The key error doesnt go away after driving and comes up after putting into reserve mode.  after reserve mode, and the error comes up, even when starting manually with fob same error comes up.
answered Jan 24, 2022 by eric lam (230 points)