Questions & Answers

2012 Nissan Altima intermittent no start

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Hi fellows I had installed the evo all standalone on 2012 Nissan altima with latest  firmware . Car intermittently doesnt start . Cant find any wiring issue . What is the best firmware for nissan slot keys or any other info will be appriciated .
asked Oct 25, 2019 in Nissan by Palwinder Singh (570 points)

2 Answers

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what is the 12 digit service number of the module?
answered Oct 26, 2019 by Robert T (299,950 points)
0 votes
answered Oct 26, 2019 by Palwinder Singh (570 points)
the firmware you are using is ok.  If you have a t-tap style connection on the Start/Stop wire, please remove that and do a proper splice connection. Also make sure that the purple/yellow  (A6) wire is connected to the light blue/black (A10).


You can also enable option D1.3 so that the unit has time to answer to the cars key request.
You mean A16 to A10 . Thats already done . I did all t tap with soldering . Do I still need military splice even if soldered ?
if ignition turns on, but does not crank, verify the Start/Stop connection.
Checked the start / stop twice . Downgraded firmware . Checked door pin wire still same thing .
Tried everything finally downgraded to firmware version 4.18 and work good now no more intermittent issue . Works perfect standalone and rf kit with firsttech cm7200 brain . Thanx Rob . Appriciated your support.
Thanks for the update,  I will send in a report.  I am kind of surprised that 4.18 allows the FTD to work. There is no rf protocol in 4.18.
it was programmed to standalone and works perfect with 3x lock on oem remotes and I just added compustar CM7200 module and hooked up the G9 key fobs to CM7200 module  and in this case CM7200 is handling key fobs protocol and use evo all only as a byepass module .

So Evo aall dont have to handle FT100 protocol at all .