Questions & Answers

Unable to program the key

0 votes
Hi, I want to reset because I am unable to copy the key slide




Exceeded the limit for this car

unit number



نموذج رقم الوحدة : EVO-ONE

SN: 002B04016358


asked Sep 11, 2019 in Honda by Eiadah Altagtagy (200 points)
edited Sep 11, 2019 by Eiadah Altagtagy

1 Answer

0 votes
The module should not be locked. Can you please send a screenshot of the error you are receiving.
answered Sep 11, 2019 by derek g (334,350 points)


I returned the steps from the first but no picture utility in the link



I have sent the request to have it reset. It will be ready for use within 24 hours.


It has already been reset once and this will be the second time. We will not be resetting it again until you call in to tech support to troubleshoot your issue.