Questions & Answers

2018 qashqai manual transmission support reg key

0 votes
On the website it lists the 18 Qashqai manual transmission as supported with the evo one, but in wire color it is noted that the vehicle is not supported. The 2019 also lists as "automatic only "

So is the quashqai regular key with manual transmission actually supported?


asked Jul 2, 2019 in Nissan by Aaron Mcmullin (190 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Where exactly do you see the 2018 manual transmission Qashqai listed?

In testing, we have been able to do a manual transmission vehicle, but at the moment it requires certain option that can only be enable using an RF kit. And a positive polarity clutch bypass connection.

A guide should be released in the future shortly.
answered Jul 2, 2019 by J M (64,270 points)
It showed as supported in the installation guide for the evo one. I would be using a rf kit and a relay to trigger the clutch . I hadn't noticed the option to enable in the install guide, but according to your reply I should be all set. I was just thrown off when I saw the guide for installation and then saw the note in wire color not to install on manual.
could you elaborate on the "certain option that can only be enabled using a rf kit" ?
Options 24-2 & 24-3 can only be properly enabled via the rf kit and menu selection in the vehicle.


If you try to turn them on using the flash link they will show as on but not function properly.


The options will be implemeneted into the flash link in the next update we release.