Questions & Answers

I need the specific instructions for a 2013 Ford Edge / EVO-RS / FORT-1

0 votes
I want the correct instructions please. seems like there are more than 1 possibility and I haven`t found one that matches the unit I purchased. The CAN wires have connectors on them that would work with a tap but one video I saw said not to use a tap. What are the manditory connnections and which ones are optional?
asked Dec 29, 2018 in Ford by Dennis Kelso (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes You must do the CAN wires. You can use taps but always better to solder in. This is also assuming you have non push start. Push start doesn't have a T harness.
answered Dec 29, 2018 by Anthony Wilkinson (7,090 points)
Thank you
0 votes
T-Taps are the worst possible type of connection for automotive use.
answered Jan 3, 2019 by Robert T (299,950 points)
I aggree but they sent one with the kit and the "can" wires both have male spade connectors on them.