Questions & Answers

2018 Camaro Manual Transmission

0 votes
Will it remote start if the car is left IN GEAR on a manual transmission?
asked Dec 21, 2018 in Chevrolet by KoG (130 points)

1 Answer

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The remote starter does not detect the car in gear. The manual transmission procedure force you to exit the car with the engine running. (which is impossible if the vehicle is in gear)
answered Dec 21, 2018 by Mathieu Bertrand Collin2 (62,060 points)
Sorry, I am still confused. If I leave my car in one of the gears, exit the car and lock it.

when I remote start it, 3x lock button, will it start the car? Or will not start it because the car is in gear?

He is referring to the Manual Transmission Ready, it is a procedure that you must perform everytime in order to even to be able to start the vehicle. The process to get it into Ready mode has to be done properly therefore not allowing you to put it into gear. If you left the vehicle in gear then Ready mode is inactive therefore not allowing you to remote start the vehicle.
