Questions & Answers

2012 Elantra touring no RED LED Flashing during programming?

0 votes
When completing step 4 RED LED doesnt flash, it stays on solid with the YEL LED after BLUE flashing 15x. CANBUS wires read 2.35V(Low PIN 6 OBDII) and 2.75V(high PIN14 OBDII). All other connections verified and appear correct.
asked Nov 20, 2018 in Hyundai by Grant Barberstock (190 points)
edited Nov 20, 2018 by Grant Barberstock

1 Answer

0 votes
It wont flash red at step 4 for this vehicle.

Can-bus doesnt do much on this vehicle aside from offering tach but it will flash only blue, not red.
answered Nov 20, 2018 by Robert T (299,950 points)
The unit remains unresponsive and will not activate P Lights to confirm programming of REVO1.1 and is not compatible w/3xLock.