Questions & Answers

How to wire CAN to EVO-ALL Mustang 2013

0 votes
Hi, I have an EVO-ALL + THAR-FORD1 harness. I believe I have all of the required connections except for the two CAN wires. Where can I buy the required connectors to feed the CAN wires into the white terminal in the EVO-ALL? I was planning to T-tap the wires off of the ODB2, but how can I connect it on the EVO-ALL side?
asked Oct 17, 2018 in Ford by Jeffrey Garoon (170 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Hi, there are no connectors made specifically for the CAN wires. They have to be connected wire to wire. The recommended way to attach the wires would be a T-Splice, you can solder the wires and/or tape them after to strenghten the connection.
answered Oct 17, 2018 by Antoine Marion (1,610 points)
Tapping into the wires is straightforward, but how can I connect these to the Evo?
0 votes
Your evo-all should have come with a white 5 pin connector. Has a grey and grey/black wire in it, youll need those.  


Manually strip the vehicles wire at the OBDII connector and splice it into the vehicle wire.
answered Oct 17, 2018 by derek g (359,350 points)
It did not come with this connector; I've read conflicting comments on whether it should. Are they available separately?
No they are not, I would suggest contacting your point of purhcase in regards to a replacement.